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Choosing a Custom Wine Cellar Design

A custom wine cellar brings a room life of its own. Red Leaf Solutions provides Larkspur, CO residents with custom wine cellars and racking systems that meet their dreams for a wine cellar. Choosing between a traditional and modern wine cellar incorporates special features and unique design elements that give the room a specific feeling. You’ll need to consider the design that best fits your dreams for a personal wine cellar. We’ll help you find the modern or traditional wine cellar that is perfect for you. Both types of wine cellars preserve wine in the same way with a twist on their style.

Wine Cellar Style

The standard style of a traditional wine cellar is wood. Walnut, oak, mahogany, oak, and redwood are the most common types of wood used to build a traditional wine cellar. Many traditional wine cellars include barreled ceilings, natural stone, tile, brick, or rolling ladders. Most of the wine racks are made with rich wood types for durability in a temperature-controlled environment. Modern wine cellars don’t have a specific style. Many people love the look of frameless glass displays for their wine, while others love shallow wine walls with a polished look. The options are endless when it comes to a modern wine cellar style. The only thing you truly need to remember when designing a modern wine cellar is that the design might be trendy instead of classic. If you want a timeless design, it’s best to stick with a traditional wine cellar style.

Wine Cellar Location

An essential part of a wine cellar is the temperature. The space you choose for your wine cellar must have an active optimal temperature system with climate control for proper taste and aging. Many traditional wine cellars are built in the basement of homes because they usually provide the best environment for wine storage. Many modern wine cellars utilize advanced technology to create the perfect settings for wine anywhere in a home. If you can regulate the humidity and temperature to fit the needs of the wine, you can create a modern wine cellar anywhere without jeopardizing the wine. We offer climate control systems to ensure the temperature and humidity are always in perfect range.

Wine Cellar Lighting

Traditional wine cellars are often in the basement of the home, tucked away from any light. Light can be detrimental to many types of wine due to its need for proper temperature and humidity control. Technology in wine cellars allows the use of light in more modern types of wine cellars. Switchable glass and UV filter features are a perfect addition to modern wine storage. This helps the wine be on display without worrying about protecting it from UV light. LED lighting offers a wine-friendly solution as it consumes less power and emits little heat next to any wine bottle. Instead of a dark area without much lighting, modern wine cellars allow your wine collection more of a visual aspect.

Contact Red Leaf Solutions Today!

Our design experts will help you choose the best wine cellar to fit your needs. We’ll send a design consultant to your home or business to discuss your vision for a wine cellar. We’ll explain your options for a traditional and modern wine cellar. We’ll help you find what best meets your vision from stained wood to a contemporary glass wine cellar. Whether you love a traditional look and feel or want to go for a modern design, we have the highest quality products and craftsmanship to bring your vision to life. We’ve designed and installed traditional and modern wine cellars for over 20 years. Our custom wine cellar designs ensure your wine collection is safe and ready for a pour. Contact us today to learn more about modern wine cellars design, traditional wine cellars design, and more.